eGrocery Market Share Report - 2023

eGrocery Market Share Report
Measuring the Online Grocery Market:eGrocery Share in the U.S. is a report created by Brick Meets Click andsponsored by Mercatus.
The report helps grocery retailers andtheir suppliers understand the how the eGrocery market is shifting by providingmarket share estimates across several retail formats (Supermarkets, Mass, HardDiscount, etc.) and receiving methods (Delivery, Pickup, and Ship-to-Home) over the past two-and-a-half years, from January 2021 through June 2023.
Topline Findings
Mass and Pickup expandtheir share ashouseholds adjust to financial pressures.
- Walmart captured nearly 36% of all U.S. eGrocery sales in Q2 2023, upmore than 5 percentage points from the prior year and its highest share to date.
- While Supermarkets held a 150-basis point (bps) share edge over Walmart during Q2 2022, Walmart eclipsed Supermarkets in Q4 2022 and finished with a 570-bps share advantage thisyear.
- Target experienced moderate growth over the past two years.It has gained 70 bps of share versus 2021, and finished Q2 2023 withapproximately 7% of eGrocery sales.
- The benefits that Pickup offers consumers helped to drive its share increase, whichfinished at 48% for Q2 2023, almost two points higher than last year.
- Consumer interest in buying groceries online declinedslightly during Q2 2023 for all HHs except for the most engaged. The share of U.S. householdsthat completed one or more online orders contracted to just under 53%, down by 275 bpscompared to a year ago.
“The combined effect of price inflation and the expiration of COVIDfinancial supports has triggered a flight-to-value as purchasing power remainsunder pressure,” said David Bishop, partner at Brick Meets Click.
For more information see the August 30, 2023 press release: Walmart’s share of U.S. eGrocery sales reach record high in Q2 2023, eclipsing Supermarkets for the third consecutive quarter
The report leverages data from the monthly Brick MeetsClick/Mercatus Grocery Shopping Survey , an independent research initiativecreated and conducted by Brick Meets Click since March 2020, and sponsored byMercatus.
This analysis is based on 21,799 responses compiled over the 12months of 2021, 20,948 responses compiled over the 12 months of 2022, and11,001 responses over the first six months of 2023 from adults 18 years andolder who participated in the household’s grocery shopping.
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